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CSAAA’s National Trade Show Range Event

Location: Canadian Historical Arms Society – Genesee Range
3356 TWP RD 510, Leduc, AB T5J 2L8
Date: Monday, June 13, 2022

The CSAAA is excited to invite it’s members to our “display and play” style National Trade Show Range Event at the Genesee Range in Leduc, Alberta on Monday, June 13th, 2022.

This year, our events are open to members only. Attendance is free for all CSAAA members and we kindly encourage all members to attend.

Tables and shooting lanes are available. You may register for attendance and/or a table/shooting lane via the form below. Details on sponsorship levels, tables and range rules can be found with the registration form.

We are pleased to have Sgt. Russ Miller, National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST) join us this year to offer Straw Purchasing Awareness discussions.

Lunch will be offered on site and we will be hosting a variety of activities and mini competitions.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

For more information please contact Jenn at [email protected]

Details and registration for our Ontario event will be released next week.
Date for Ontario Event: Monday, May 16th, 2022
Location For Ontario Event: Oshawa Clay and Target Club



The Range

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