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On November 22nd the liberal government snuck in the single largest anti-legal-firearm initiative in Canadian history in the form of an amendment to Bill C-21.

This amendment will put all previously prohibited firearms (including those from the May 1st, 2020 OiC) into legislation, and prohibit millions of additional shotguns and rifles with no mention of compensation or justification.

Something Canadians need to be aware of is that this amendment will also add to the definition of a prohibited firearm in the criminal code: “a firearm that is a rifle or shotgun, that is capable of discharging centre-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner, and that is designed to accept a detachable cartridge magazine with a capacity greater than five cartridges of the type for which the firearm was originally designed.”

Bill C-21 is prohibiting the legal sales of all handguns, replica firearms and whichever shotguns and rifles seemingly got picked out of the hat.

While the federal government works hard to destroy the legal firearm and hunting industry, the industry is left doing its job of informing and educating the lawful citizens that this prohibition impacts. When a new anti-legal firearm initiative drops, gun shop phones ring off the hook for answers because even though the RCMP database has all the contact information for businesses and individuals, we are always left in the dark.

There has been a great deal of concern and uncertainty amongst our industry members. These small business owners and their employees are responsible and give back to our community in many positive ways. There has been absolutely no consultation or consideration for how this will impact many Canadian workers and businesses.

As industry leaders, it is our responsibility to ensure the voices of the nearly 50,000 individuals and 4500 small businesses that make up this industry are heard, and we have been busy calling on every MP in Canada to recognize the livelihoods at stake in the communities they represent.

Bill C-21 is catastrophic to the industry. Between the May 1st OiC, the prohibition of legal handguns and replicas, and this amendment, the industry has lost nearly 60% of its revenue. With handguns and semi-automatic long guns being prohibited, 70% of ammunition sales will be eliminated, not to mention the loss of sales on parts, sporting gear, optics, accessories and more.

We are proud to see a great number of our members giving their customers the tools they need to reach out to the MPs and educate themselves with letter-writing campaigns and resources. We urge everyone to write to their own MP, members of SECU, SECD and party leaders. Canadians must stand up, stand together, and oppose unjust and destructive legislation. Keep sending the letters. Flood their desks.

Those that feel they don’t need to get involved because this doesn’t impact their specific firearm need to know more is coming from this government. This is not the end.

Canadians in general need to be concerned about a government that feels it can prohibit personal property from lawful citizens without justification.

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