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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

2023 CSAAA AGM & Board Elections

Due to an increase in interest in joining our board, CSAAA has decided to extend the board nomination period to May 14th, 2023.

Please submit your name to run for our volunteer board of directors to [email protected] before Sunday, May 14th.

Voting will begin on May 19th, and will close on Monday, June 19th, at 11:59 PM EST.
This year we have 5 positions open for director at large for a 3-year term.

Please email [email protected] for general inquiries, concerns, virtual board nomination forms and the AGM registration link if you have not already received it and registered.

Date: Monday, June 19th, 2023
Place: Virtual Zoom Meeting – register via email

At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:

• find out about CSAAA’s operations and finances

• ask about the operations and finances of CSAAA

• speak about any items on the agenda

• vote on any resolutions proposed

• participate in open, roundtable discussion

Public Safety Townhall

Adrian Praysner, ORA President | Wes Winkel, CSAAA President | Jenn Gadbois, CSAAA Managing Director
Emily Brown, Conservative Candidate Burlington | Rachael O’Dell, O’Dell Engineering
Dave Fuller, NAS Outdoors | Shannon Stubbs, Conservative MP Lakeland, AB

CSAAA was grateful for the opportunity to meet with Conservative Candidate Emily Brown, MP for Lakeland, Alberta Shannon Stubbs and teams working toward real crime prevention at Saturday’s Public Safety townhall in Burlington.

We highlighted the economic and industry impacts of ineffective and misdirected firearm policies including concerns about the prohibitions and restrictions of legal firearms and replica firearms.

New Amendments to Bill C-21

The Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) is disappointed the Federal government continues to misuse valuable resources attacking the legal firearms community.

These resources would prove far more effective if directed toward enhancing youth programs, law enforcement budgets, and Canada Border Service initiatives.

We do not believe further restrictions and/or prohibitions to the current legal supply chain will enhance public safety. The only outcome of these restrictions is a negative impact to legal firearms businesses.

We remain committed to protecting jobs in our industry and to ensuring the outcome of policy decisions does not create undue strain for businesses across Canada.

The CSAAA requests representation on the proposed advisory committee and the ability to consult on any future legislation and/or regulations related to Federal firearms policy.


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