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Firearm marking regulations were initially introduced in the 1990s, but through rigorous consultation with the CSAAA and industry advocates, these regulations have been continuously deferred since. These regulations require firearms to be marked with unique identifiers other than the serial number that already serves that purpose. The current amnesty period for compliance with these regulations is set to expire on December 1, 2023. If this amnesty is not extended, it will result in the suspension of many firearm imports.

It is imperative that we continue to advocate for the extension of the amnesty period for the firearm marking regulations. These regulations, as currently formulated, are not only unworkable but also pose significant burdens to businesses within the firearm industry, resulting in widespread disruption and substantial financial losses.

The pressing issue at hand is the practicality and feasibility of these regulations. Businesses operating in the firearm import and manufacturing sector are facing substantial challenges in complying with the impending requirements as it is currently written. The complexity and technical demands of marking firearms in accordance with these regulations have created an untenable situation for many businesses.

The consequences of non-compliance could be dire, including the disruption of supply chains, delays in firearm availability for lawful purposes, and, most importantly, financial hardship for businesses that are already grappling with the economic impact of the ongoing global challenges and the current regulatory environment.

This situation does not just affect the firearm industry; it has far-reaching implications for public safety, as responsible firearm owners and law enforcement agencies rely on a stable and functioning industry to meet their needs.

Extending the amnesty period would provide policymakers with the necessary time to consult with the industry and make the required amendments to these regulations to make them workable and enforceable. Failing to do so risks causing significant disruption and financial hardship to firearm importers and businesses. We must strike a balance between regulatory compliance and ensuring the continued operation of a responsible and essential industry. An extension of the amnesty period is a sensible and pragmatic step in achieving this.

It is crucial for consumers and dealers to be aware of the potential impacts of this situation, and We urge both consumers and business representatives to take immediate action by writing to their respective Members of Parliament, demanding swift and decisive action on this critical matter.

The hunting and sporting arms industry in Canada supports over 48,000 jobs and 4,500 small businesses.  These business owners are committed to the safety of the communities where they live and work, their employees, and their customers.

Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association

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