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The Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association is actively engaged in protecting and promoting businesses within the hunting and firearm industry in Canada.

As part of our commitment to safeguarding your interests, our President and owner of Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods, Wes Winkel, has been invited to appear before the Senate on November 2nd, 2023, to address the Senate regarding Bill C-21.

This legislative proposal has far-reaching implications for our industry and the lawful citizens who support it. CSAAA’s participation in this dialogue is pivotal in expressing the industry’s concerns and advocating for a balanced approach to legislation that respects our rights and livelihoods.

While we share the objective of enhancing public safety, we firmly believe that alternative solutions can achieve this goal without negatively affecting our industry.

Bill C-21, as it stands, has raised considerable concerns within our community. It is essential that the Senate understands the gravity of the potential impacts on our businesses and the local communities we serve.

We strongly urge the Senate to consider alternative solutions that genuinely address public safety concerns without undermining the businesses that make significant contributions to Canada’s economy and their local communities.

To ensure our collective voice is heard, we encourage each of you to join us in this critical endeavour. You can help by reaching out to the members of the Senate and expressing your concerns regarding Bill C-21. Your participation is vital in making a difference and safeguarding the interests of our industry and its stakeholders.

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