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We are deeply disappointed about the passing of Bill C-21 in the Senate last night. While the bill is not yet law, it is on its way to the House for Royal Assent, after which it will be given an official Coming into Force date, marking its transition into law.

Bill C-21 is a flawed piece of legislation that is devastating for Canadian jobs and businesses within the firearm hunting and shooting sports sector. Not just retailers, but also firearm ranges vital to sport shooters and law enforcement. The potential economic impact on Canadian businesses and jobs within our community is alarming and cannot be understated.

We would like to outline some of the key impacts that this legislation will have on our businesses:

Transfer Prohibition on Handguns: The bill already enforces a prohibition on the transfer of handguns. This implies a complete restriction on buying, selling, or transferring handguns, even in cases of inheritance.

Restrictions on Newly Manufactured Models: Bill C-21 will automatically prohibit any new models that are after its Coming into Force date that are centre fire, semi-automatic firearms capable of accepting a magazine that can hold more than 5 rounds.

Formation of Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee (CFAC): A Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee will be established to decide on the prohibition of certain firearms already in circulation. It is crucial that this committee comprises individuals and groups with expertise in the industry, including industry stakeholders, firearm experts, and end-user consumer groups. We emphasize that individuals or groups, such as victims’ groups, lacking an understanding of existing firearms, their mechanics, or function should not play a role in the CFAC.

The implications of Bill C-21 extend beyond the legislative arena, affecting businesses and Canadians operating in the hunting and firearm sector, as well as firearm ranges crucial to sport shooters and law enforcement.

We extend our gratitude to Senator Donald Plett for his unwavering efforts to protect Canadian businesses, jobs, and the hunting and sport shooting community, and the Senators that took the time to listen to and carefully consider our consultation on behalf of the industry.

As we navigate this challenging landscape, we assure you that we will continue to provide updates on the developments surrounding Bill C-21.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association.

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