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We ask all businesses to send us a brief statement highlighting how regulatory changes and prohibitions have impacted your business over the last three years.

While we communicate the general impacts and consult on more workable and common sense policy, we find that expressing specifically the challenges each business faces peeks more powerful engagement from politicians, including the parties that are not typically supportive of the firearm industry.

We are finalizing our report highlighting the specifics of each business impacted by the current government’s firearm policy. We are asking for your contribution

(if you have not already done so).

These statements can include how many people your business employs, the approximate value of handguns or modern sporting rifles that are dead in your inventory, how your business has been impacted to date, layoffs, the percentage of business lost, the prognosis of your business and employees, etc.

Please click below to send your business statement to Jenn at [email protected].

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